Creation Spirituality: what, why, how

Align your own creative power within the divine The essence of creation spirituality is this idea: that the creation of our world was not a one-off event billions of years ago: it is a process continuing in every moment, and each of us can contribute. As Neil Douglas-Klotz puts it: our job description as humans … Read more


A place to nourish heart, soul and body – for all life OUR VISION A community deeply rooted in the land and the web of all life, which nourishes and renews heart, spirit and body. In these times of rising turbulence, we aim to reinvent qualities of the medieval monastery: a place of wisdom, exploration, … Read more

Nourishing body and soul: do we need to reinvent the monastery?

We live in a time of impending crisis, when I hear many people urging the need for sanctuary, hospicing, and a deeper sense of community. Implicit in such words, but rarely discussed, is the huge spiritual vacuum in our relentlessly materialistic society. Role models for what we need aren’t obvious, but I’d like to offer … Read more

Helen White Wolf: Journey of the Soul

Deep exploration in her book Helen is an exceptionally wise, compassionate spiritual healer and teacher, who has learned, through her own intense personal journey, and from many outstanding guides. Thirty-five years of experience are now shared in her new book, Transcendence of the Soul, and in the events she is offering in the UK this … Read more

Is Earth a Karmic Enterprise Zone?

An extra-terrestrial view of our perplexities When even slightly plausible explanations fail, it’s time to try some which look highly off the wall, so give this one a test flight. It came to me in a dream while on holiday in the wilds of the Pennines. In my experience, dreams are one way that unusual … Read more

Ever wonder about a life beyond this one?

Book blog: Journey of Souls by Michael Newton Perhaps covid-19 has made many of us reflect about our mortality, and wonder if this increasingly strange world is a preparation for something else. I have long believed that our soul lives long before and after a human lifetime, and this book offers evidence I find persuasive. … Read more

The Wisdom Way of Knowing, by Cynthia Bourgeault

Practical approaches to spiritual resilience This small, readable book is one of the best guides I’ve found to the principles and practicalities of spiritual resilience. Whilst it’s based on Wisdom teachings within the Christian tradition, Cynthia points out that “no matter which spiritual path you pursue, the nuts and bolts of spiritual transformation end up … Read more

Hope and Resilience in the Climate and Ecological Emergency

A retreat led by Alan Heeks and Jonathan Herbert Friday Feb 3 – Sunday Feb 5, 2023 at Hilfield Friary, Dorset Using material from the Christian contemplative tradition, from Joanna Macy – a Buddhist and deep ecologist,  and from Jem Bendell’s Deep Adaptation approach, the group will explore ways to grow through emergency. We will … Read more

A Sufi way to discern reality

As material reality gets more uncertain and alarming, I have found that using spiritual practices to find my way forward is really helpful. I’ve been exploring Sufi teachings for over 20 years, and want to share a couple of processes which have helped me. So what do I mean by Sufi? It’s an elusive idea: … Read more

Death and beyond: a close-up view

Guest blog from Palden Jenkins Alan Heeks writes: Palden is an old friend, who plays a Merlin-like role in my life, popping up periodically with cryptic insights. He’s a deep thinker out of the box, a seer and astrologer, who usually offers a radically different point of view. Palden is currently living with terminal cancer, … Read more