
I share insights from workshops, books, and life generally by writing short blogs. You can see a relevant selection below.

Creation Spirituality: what, why, how

Creation Spirituality: what, why, how

Align your own creative power within the divine The essence of creation spirituality is this idea: that the creation of our world was not a one-off event billions of years ago: it is a process…



A place to nourish heart, soul and body – for all life OUR VISION A community deeply rooted in the land and the web of all life, which nourishes and renews heart, spirit and body.…

Nourishing body and soul: do we need to reinvent the monastery?

Nourishing body and soul: do we need to reinvent the monastery?

We live in a time of impending crisis, when I hear many people urging the need for sanctuary, hospicing, and a deeper sense of community. Implicit in such words, but rarely discussed, is the huge…

Helen White Wolf: Journey of the Soul

Helen White Wolf: Journey of the Soul

Deep exploration in her book Helen is an exceptionally wise, compassionate spiritual healer and teacher, who has learned, through her own intense personal journey, and from many outstanding guides. Thirty-five years of experience are now…

Is Earth a Karmic Enterprise Zone?

Is Earth a Karmic Enterprise Zone?

An extra-terrestrial view of our perplexities When even slightly plausible explanations fail, it’s time to try some which look highly off the wall, so give this one a test flight. It came to me in…