A place to nourish heart, soul and body – for all life


A community deeply rooted in the land and the web of all life, which nourishes and renews heart, spirit and body. In these times of rising turbulence, we aim to reinvent qualities of the medieval monastery: a place of wisdom, exploration, reconnection with the sacred and each other, supporting the wider community.


Still in a formative stage, gathering a team, considering a site, inviting allies and supporters. The indicative elements are:

  • A site of 10-30 acres, to include a small resident group, visitor accommodation, learning and making spaces, and land for food production.
  • Aiming especially at young people, but open to all ages, who might stay two weeks, three months, or up to a year, both to learn practical skills like growing food, and to explore their spiritual path.
  • Offering various courses and retreats for short-term visitors.
  • Located in or near Powys on the Welsh Borders.
  • A non-profit legal structure.
  • Aiming for mutually supportive links with nearby towns and villages.
  • Embodying the main elements of ‘new monasticism’: growing and eating food together; shared learning; and a daily rhythm of prayer and meditation, but with various forms from a range of faith traditions.
  • Open to people of all faiths and none, offering a non-dogmatic space to experience, study and learn spirituality.


If you’d like to be involved in some way, please contact Alan Heeks: , 07494 203014. This vision builds on two educational charities which Alan has initiated: Hazel Hill and Magdalen.